May/June 2003 ·
UU World: The Magazine of the Unitarian Universalist Association
 Cover, May/June 2003 UU World: Fear vs. Freedom features  MAY/JUNE 2003 · VOL XVII NO 3

Government for Whom?
U.S. courts began regarding corporations as "persons" more than a century ago, but no one foresaw the vast power they've since gained. What is becoming of "government of the people, by the people, and for the people"? /BY TOM STITES

Corporations 1, Citizens 0
Who says you can't fight City Hall? Corporations win battles with local governments all the time, as the people of Wellfleet learned the hard way. /BY DAVID WOLMAN AND HEATHER WAX

Communities Fight Back
People across the country are finding new ways to set democratic limits to corporate power. Plus, resources to help you get involved. /BY JANE GREER

A Prodemocracy Visionary
Ward Morehouse took on Union Carbide after a chemical spill killed 15,000 people in India in 1984. What he learned helped chart a new course for the movement that wants to make corporations accountable to the people. /BY KIMBERLY FRENCH


Commentary. Democracy and religion. /BY BERNARD AVISHAI
Creations. Metamorphosis. /BY MICHELE DAVID
Creations. Danish Doors. /BY SHARON NELSON KAHN
Call to Worship. What Song /BY VICTORIA SAFFORD
Meditation. From The ABC's for UU Newcomers. /BY WILLIAM CLEARY
Myth. First families. /KI HYNNIEW TREP MYTH
Creations. Victim (Janet). /BY STEPHEN MARCH
Encounter. What matters now. /BY RICHARD TAYLOR
Heritage. No finished chart. /BY ALFRED S. COLE
Interpretation. Mathematical theology. /BY SARAH VOSS
Inside out. Cartoon. /BY CHARLES BARSOTTI


Opening Words. The democratic idea. /BY THE REV. THEODORE PARKER
From the Editor. People, not corporations, make this magazine. /BY TOM STITES
Our Calling. President Sinkford on the most dangerous church in America. /BY PRESIDENT WILLIAM G. SINKFORD
Letters. Are liberties threatened? · About those boys · We're with the atheists /BY OUR READERS
Bookshelf. Theodore Parker, heretical prophet /BY ROSEMARY BRAY MCNATT
Congregational Life. Accessible buildings and a warm welcome. /BY DONALD E. SKINNER
Spiritual Landmark. The North Shore Unitarian Church in Deerfield, Illinois. /BY DONALD E. SKINNER
What in the World? Discussion topics on UU World articles. /BY JANE GREER AND CHRISTOPHER L. WALTON
Looking Back First Universalist preacher /BY NELSON SIMONSON AND JOHN MORGAN


UUA News.
     Congregations focus deeply on war /BY DONALD E. SKINNER
     UU clergy won't sign licenses
     UUA struggles to balance budget for fiscal year '04
Living the Faith. Protests lead to arrest and jail for young UUs /BY DONALD E. SKINNER
UU Trend. UUs reach out to the Muslim community /BY DONALD E. SKINNER
UUs in the News. UU Laurel Clark perishes aboard Columbia shuttle
Social Witness. Tulsa reparations movement results in lawsuit
Political Action. Protecting reproductive freedom
In the Congregations.
     UUs visit Middle East, launch peace campaign
     Vase and chairs sold to preserve Wright church
Religion News. The risk of reconciliation /BY JOHN A. RAKESTRAW, JR.
Milestones. Obituaries for Robert W. Brockway, Angela Marie Davis, Barbara E. Edgecombe, Margaret Gooding, Robert Edward Green, Richard A. Perry, Harry B. Scholefield.

Not every article in the printed magazine is published on-line. Back issues of the magazine are available for $4.50; photocopies of selected articles are also available. E-mail or call (617) 948-4693 for more information.

 Contents: UU World Back Issue

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