January/February 2004 · www.uuworld.org
UU World: The Magazine of the Unitarian Universalist Association
Call for fine art: UU World welcomes fine art submissions for the magazine's "Creations" feature. Contact Jane Greer for more information.
 Cover, January/February 2004 UU World: Seeing Jesus with Modern Eyes
opening words

So the Christianity of Jesus is permanent, though what passes for Christianity with popes and catechisms, with sects and churches, in the first century or in the nineteenth century, prove transient also....
Let the transient pass, fleet as it will.... God send us a real religious life....


From Parker's landmark sermon, "A Discourse on the Transient and Permanent in Christianity" (1841), one of the defining documents of nineteenth-century American Unitarianism. Quoted in Erik Walker Wikstrom’s cover story, "Jesus and the Modern Seeker," page 26.


Seeing Jesus with Modern Eyes
The accretions of centuries—cultural, religious, political—often obscure the kernels of truth to be found in the person of Jesus. /BY ERIK WALKER WIKSTROM

The Fundamentalist Agenda
The ancient and powerful impulse to create stability must be humanized by liberalism. /BY DAVIDSON LOEHR

A Life Committed to Justice
For three decades Tom Andrews has been at the forefront of movements for peace and justice. /BY KIMBERLY FRENCH

Photographs on cover: Tenth-century ceramic/© Kurt Scholz/Superstock

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