Contents: UU World
The Magazine of the Unitarian Universalist Association


Tom Stites

Senior Editor

Christopher L. Waltonn

Managing Editor Jane Greer
Production Manager Kathy Todd
Manuscript Editor Kenneth Sutton
Art Director Robert Delboy
Contributing Editors Kimberly French
Rosemary Bray McNatt
Warren Ross
Donald E. Skinner

Charles Barsotti
John A. Rakestraw Jr.

Editorial Assistant Sonja L. Cohen
Publisher Tom Stites
Advertising Manager Kathy Todd
Advertising Assistant Teresa Schwartz

For Our Readers

UU World welcomes letters to the editor and suggestions from readers at 25 Beacon Street, Boston MA 02108-2803;; (617) 948-6518, or (617) 742-7025 (fax).

Unsolicited manuscripts and artwork cannot be returned unless accompanied by a self-addressed envelope of sufficient size with sufficient return postage. Writer's guidelines.

Subscription correspondence should be sent to UU World Circulation, 25 Beacon Street, Boston MA 02108-28103; (617) 948-4611 or (617) 725-8886 (fax). For change of address: Please mail us the mailing label from your latest issue along with your new address.

Subscriptions: In the US, $21 for one year, $40 for two years, $58 for three years. In Canada and other countries, US$30 a year. Subscribe on-line. Single copies are $4.50. Make checks payable to UU World and mail to Lock Box #845971, Boston MA 02284-5971.

UU World on tape is available at no charge to people with eyesight impairments. Contact Rachael Brown, 25 Beacon Street, Boston MA 02108-2803, (617) 948-6454.

Contact the Unitarian Universalist Association: (617) 742-2100.

For Our Advertisers

Contact Teresa Schwartz for rates, deadlines, and specifications: UU World, 25 Beacon Street, Boston MA 02108-2803; (617) 948-6502; (617) 742-7025 (fax).


Tom Stites

Senior Editor

Christopher L. Waltonn

Managing Editor Jane Greer
Production Manager Kathy Todd
Publisher Tom Stites
Advertising Representative Douglas Jones
Bayard, Oot, Jones & Associates
(203) 259-1232
Advertising Manager Kathy Todd
Advertising Assistant Teresa Schwartz

Advertisements do not carry the endorsement of the Unitarian Universalist Association unless UUA sponsorship is made explicit. UU World reserves the right to refuse any advertisement.

UU World, the magazine of the Unitarian Universalist Association (ISSN 1532-7450), is published six times a year (January, March, May, July, September, November) by the Unitarian Universalist Association, 25 Beacon Street, Boston MA 02108-2803. Periodicals postage paid at Boston and additional mailing offices. Printed in the U.S.A.

Postmaster: Send address changes to Circulation, UU World, 25 Beacon Street, Boston MA 02108-2803. Copyright © 2002-2004, Unitarian Universalist Association. All rights reserved.

 Contents: UU World Back Issue
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