Interdependent Web: The future of the earth is in our hands

Interdependent Web: The future of the earth is in our hands

A weekly roundup of blogs and other user-generated web content about Unitarian Universalism.


The future of the earth is in our hands

The Rev. Myke Johnson and her partner have started toward a new adventure in greener living.

[My] fantasy is to live in a zero-carbon home, a home that is so energy efficient that it doesn’t put carbon into the atmosphere through burning fossil fuels, or use energy that is based on fossil fuels. There is more to it than that, but ultimately, I am hoping for a way to live more in harmony with the whole of the living earth, to live as if our human future holds life-sustaining possibilities. (Finding Our Way, August 1)

Inspired by a recent Greenpeace action in Portland, the Rev. Dr. Marilyn Sewell challenges people of faith to be involved in the climate change activism.

I see again those young people suspended from slender ropes high above the river in the searing heat, see again the huge ship Fennica bearing down on the paddlers in their tiny kayaks. These activists are the David to the Goliath of the fossil fuel industry. They are spiritual warriors of the highest degree, showing us the meaning of sacrificial love, the love that Jesus himself embodied.

It's time to rattle some cages. It's time for all people—including and most particularly people of faith—to come forward and be counted. The future of the earth is in our hands. (HuffPost Religion, August 5)

UU identity

Thomas Earthman shares a list of ways to explain what Unitarian Universalism is—including the basic assertion that UUism is a religion.

While some people make a spiritual practice out of one or more forms of activism and charity, and this is something we encourage, that activism is a personal expression. We are not a political action group, a charity organization, a sexual education resource, or a social club, though we gladly inspire our members to be those things for one another. Unitarian Universalism is a religion. Our relevance and power come from being a community that seeks the truth of religious questions and supports one another as a religious community. (I Am UU, August 5)

The Rev. Sharon Wylie preaches about a frequent conundrum for UUs: “Do we tolerate intolerance?”

As Unitarian Universalists, we believe there is no ‘one right way’ for everyone. We also believe that everyone should believe there is no ‘one right way’ for everyone. This is the great paradox of Unitarian Universalism. (Ministry in Steel-Toe Shoes, August 4)

Liz Fisher writes about why she is a long-time UU Pagan.

In my spiritual practice, I am drawn to creative expression that utilizes drama, psychology, symbols, art, music and philosophy. Identifying as a Unitarian Universalist Pagan involves me in a community with others who appreciate eclectic, passionate approaches to spiritual inquiry and practice. Here I can shape my spiritual orientation without being bound by required practices or dictated beliefs. The Unitarian Universalist Principles summarize my beliefs accurately without limiting my spiritual journey. This is why I am still a UU Pagan. (Nature’s Path, August 3)

John Beckett, a UU Druid, attended and presented at the first “Many Gods West” conference—a chance to deepen his connection to the polytheist aspect of his faith.

I spoke on Preparing the Way of the Gods. Many of us want temples, groves of oaks, paid clergy, and other things we see in the “big religions.” On the other hand, some of us want nothing to do with anything that even resembles mainstream religion. We know polytheism needs institutions, but how do we make sure what we build serves our needs and the needs of those who come after us? How do we prepare the Way of the Gods? . . . [The] bottom line is that we do it by keeping our focus on practice, on serving the Gods and our communities, and on the missions of our institutions, not on the institutions themselves. (Under the Ancient Oaks, August 3)

Inner explorations

Justin Almeida copes with passing storm of grumpiness.

Looking into the future, I want to be healthy Justin, which means doing the hard work. So here I am, letting myself feel grumpy and NOT giving in to anesthetization. Naming the grump; giving myself permission to just be this way for right now. But also checking in with it; walking with it through the day, hoping it’ll tell me its story when it’s ready. Until then, I have work to do and people to love. (What’s My Age Again?, August 4)

The Rev. Dr. Carl Gregg explores vocation—and the questions, “Are you living the life you chose? Are you living the life that chose you?”

I invite you to reflect on the paths your life has taken: have they been direct or circuitous? At various turning points, how have you discerned which path to take? And how might your the results (both positive and negative) from past decisions inform your discernment of where your call might lead in the future? (Pluralism, Pragmatism, Progressivism, August 6)

Alison Leigh Lilly shares Pagan lessons from Pixar’s Inside Out.

Inside Out is a modern-day story of the shamanic journey into the Otherworld, a journey of both self-recovery and self-discovery.

In this Other-/inner world, we encounter guides and companions that help us along the way and provide us with magical gifts, as well as monsters lurking in the dark… and even mischievous sprites who delight in niggling us with annoying TV ad jingles. (Nature’s Path, August 6)

The Rev. Chip Roush and his congregation recently enjoyed a service celebrating the Grateful Dead, a service specifically for those who are “spiritual but not religious.” (So May We Be, August 3)
