Bridging is a ritual, a process, a commitment

Bridging is a ritual, a process, a commitment

Keys to a Unitarian Universalist rite of passage.

Bridging Ceremony, 2013 UUA General Assembly

Bridging Ceremony at the 2013 UUA General Assembly. (© Nancy Pierce)

© Nancy Pierce


Bridging is a ritual. Wherever bridging rituals happen, it’s important to have young adults there to welcome the bridgers into UU young adulthood. For bridging ritual resources visit

Bridging is a process. The transition from youth community into UU adulthood can be challenging. Though we talk about the metaphor of a bridge, young folks navigate this journey in many ways. Some stay in touch with their home congregation, find young adult groups or campus ministries, get involved in a new congregation, or attend camps and other gatherings. Some young adults keep their UU identity and friends without being active in a UU community.

Bridging takes commitment. Our movement can do more to ensure that youth have a successful transition to UU adulthood. Whether we’re supporting youth involvement in all aspects of congregational life, sending care packages to newly bridged emerging adults, volunteering with campus outreach, or donating to support a young adult camp, we can all contribute to a more multigenerational Unitarian Universalism. Resources for supporting young folks in transition are at
