Media roundup: Interfaith group takes on gun violence, other social justice issues

Media roundup: Interfaith group takes on gun violence, other social justice issues

A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.

Lauren Walleser


Last week, Virginians Organized for Interfaith Community Engagement (VOICE), a collective of more than 50 faith groups and other institutions, spoke before a gathering of over 1,000 faith and community leaders to launch a four-year organizing agenda in the state. Housing affordability, public education investment, immigrant rights, criminal justice reform, and gun safety were among the topics tackled. “We get things done,” the Rev. Dr. Linda Olson Peebles of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington, Virginia, said. “This is what democracy looks like.” ( Virginia Connection Newspapers– 10.21.16)

More coverage:

“Social advocates target guns as next key issue” (Inside NoVA – 10.21.16)

Ohio congregation installs solar panels

The First Unitarian Universalist Society of Marietta, Ohio, is adding solar panels to the roof of its church in an expansion of its Green Sanctuary program. Through the solar panels and other efforts, they hope to serve as a model for using renewable energy and committing to the environment. “We really feel like we are putting our faith into action,” said the Rev. Kathryn Hawbaker. The project cost is $45,000 and will contribute 66 percent of the annual electrical usage of the church building. (Marietta Times – 10.19.16)

More coverage:

“Marietta church installs solar panels for main electricity source” (News Center – 10.20.16)

Profile of Beacon Press editor

Gayatri Patnaik, editorial director at Beacon Press, was recently profiled for her work at the publishing house and its focus on race, gender, and sexuality. The piece notes Patnaik’s role working on several important series, including the King Legacy, a partnership between Beacon and the estate of Martin Luther King Jr.; Queer Action/Queer Ideas with Michael Bronski; and Beacon’s ReVisioning American History series. (Publishers Weekly – 10.14.16)
