
  • Spirit
    I worshiped the gods of comedy and tragedy long before I worshiped Jesus's God, and I have never stopped leaving gifts at the altar of Dionysus.
    Victoria Weinstein
  • Spirit
    We all come into relationships with a full array of scrapes and dents, but most of our imperfections can be repaired and need simply 'a little touchup and a little paint.'
    Jeffrey B Symynkywicz
  • Spirit
    Modern and ancient New Year's celebrations from around the world.
    Patricia Montley
  • Spirit
    Praise in the midst of a broken world and a broken heart? Sing hallelujah in the darkest season of the year?
    Barbara Merritt
  • Spirit
    There's no better context than a family reunion to get over your fears.
    Meg Barnhouse
  • Spirit
    Crane your neck. Worm your way. Wolf it down. Monkey with things. Outfox your foe. Quit badgering your tax attorney.
    Ellen Meloy
