
  • Ideas

    Unitarians and Universalists have a long history of advocating for justice. Here are just a few who left their mark on the world. Who would be on your short list?

    Staff Writer
  • Ideas

    Justice Gatson founded the Reale Justice Network in Kansas City, Missouri. Among other social justice issues, it focuses on ending the cash bail system, a national issue that disparately affects people of color.

    Staff Writer
  • In the struggle to transform America’s violent and discriminatory system of policing, First Unitarian Church of Louisville offers sanctuary and support.

    Elaine McArdle
  • Ideas

    Mashpee Wampanoag Indian Tribal Council Vice-Chairwoman jessie little doe baird discusses issues facing the Wampanoag and other Native Americans.

    Staff Writer
  • Editorial

    From the UUA President: Unitarian Universalist values call us to audaciously imagine a world where no one is disposable and where everyone can thrive. They also call us to the struggle that brings these ideals to fruition.

    Susan Frederick-Gray
  • Editorial

    This special issue of UU World examines how we can create a more just, equitable, and antiracist society, reflecting fundamental values of the Unitarian Universalist faith tradition.

    Christopher L. Walton, Lisa Gregory
