Personal Stories

  • Editorial
    'Going to General Assembly is the best inoculation that I know to prevent denominational shallowness.'
    Greg Hines
  • Editorial

    Ric Masten responds to cancer the way he knows best: turning ‘a line of language around a pain or puzzlement.’

    Frances Cerra Whittelsey
  • Spirit

    In my religious journey, I’m glad to be free, but I am still hungry.

    Kris Willcox
  • Life

    Everett Hoagland admires poets who 'distinguish themselves in the afterlife of their words.'

    Christopher L. Walton
  • Editorial
    Fear is more likely to move trouble from one burner to another than to turn down the flame.
    Forrest Church
  • Editorial
    How Lincoln, Nebraska, came to be the picture of America's multicultural future.
    Mary Pipher
  • Editorial

    The minister of a Unitarian Universalist church in Brooklyn describes a day of shock and mourning.

    W. Frederick Wooden
