Guide to UU World's General Assembly coverage

Guide to UU World's General Assembly coverage

A complete guide to our coverage of the 2010 General Assembly in Minneapolis.


Below are direct links to UU World's reports from the 2010 General Assembly in Minneapolis. We will continue to update this guide to our coverage throughout GA. Visit our General Assembly blog for the latest news.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Al Franken: ‘You are my favorite kind of church’: Plenary VII (6.27.10)

Texts of proposed responsive resolutions: Plenary VII (6.27.10)

Passed: Youth Caucus vision of 2012 General Assembly: Plenary VII (6.27.10)

Monday, June 28, 2010

Board meeting: Significant changes ahead for GA resolutions: Board of Trustees meeting (6.27.10)

Humanists elect new president, hold day-long conference (6.26.10)

Sunday, June 27, 2010

49th General Assembly comes to an end: Closing ceremony (6.27.10)

Rejected: Call for social witness process review: Plenary VII (6.27.10)

Courter: 'The work is just beginning': Moderator's report, Plenary VII (6.27.10)

Approved: Request for covenant of ‘right relationship’: Plenary VII (6.27.10)

Responsive resolution for ENDA passes: Plenary VII (6.27.10)

Approved: Youth and young adult responsive resolution: Plenary VII (6.27.10)

Message of sorrow for Transylvanian Unitarians (6.27.10)

Film: Rep. Keith Ellison’s address to General Assembly: Plenary IV (6.26.10)

AIW to end the blockade of Gaza fails: Plenary VII (6.27.10)

Few respond to 2009 responsive resolution: Plenary VII (6.27.10)

AIW fails: End the war in Afghanistan and Pakistan: Plenary VII (6.27.10)

Live from General Assembly . . . Al Franken: Plenary VII (6.27.10)

A moment of levity: Meet the UU Worldteam (6.27.10)

AIW approved: ‘Clean Up the Clean Energy Bill’: Plenary VII (6.27.10)

AIW approved: Gulf Coast justice: Plenary VII (6.27.10)

AIW approved: ‘Oppose Anti-Immigrant Measures’: Plenary VII (6.27.10)

District presidents report on regionalization talks: Plenary VII (6.27.10)

Passed: Remaining bylaw amendments: Plenary VI (6.27.10)

Delegates approve changes to election process: Plenary VI (6.27.10)

'Green Revolution' resolution passes: Plenary VI (6.27.10)

GA Sunday worship includes call for engagement with visitors (6.27.10)

Meanwhile, Standing on the Side of Love in Arkansas (6.27.10)

Sad news: Murder-suicide among Transylvania Unitarians (6.27.10)

Commenting ground rules (6.27.10)

Film: ‘Standing on the Side of Love in Arizona’: Plenary V (6.26.10)

Saturday, June 26, 2010

LaDuke urges environmental action in Ware Lecture (6.26.10)

Hearing on new Study/Action Issue rescheduled (6.26.10)

A time of potential, Morales says: President's report, Plenary V (6.26.10)

Delegates resoundingly approve resolution on Ariz. GA: Business resolution, Plenary V (6.26.10)

Delegates focus debate on substitute resolution: Business resolution, Plenary V (6.26.10)

Preparing for debate: 'We're all Arizona': Business resolution, Plenary V (6.26.10)

Amending rules and bylaws relating to GA agenda responsibilities: Bylaw amendments, Plenary IV (6.26.10)

Fund established in memory of young adult delegate: Plenary V (6.26.10)

Sec. of State Mark Ritchie welcomes General Assembly (6.24.10)

Revised resolution on Phoenix General Assembly 2012 (6.26.10)

We take to the streets for marriage equality: Public witness event (6.26.10)

Meadville Lombard announces new theological university: Plenary IV (6.26.10)

Board report: UUA governance ‘ready for transformation’: Plenary IV (6.26.10)

Video of 2010 General Assembly events (6.26.10)

Amending Rule G-9.12.6: Candidate information: Plenary IV (6.26.10)

Celebrating multigenerational relationships: "Synergy" worship service (6.26.10)

Five Actions of Immediate Witness added to agenda: Plenary IV (6.26.10)

Standing on the Side of Love campaign report: Plenary IV (6.26.10)

First Parish in Bedford wins Pickett Award: Plenary IV (6.26.10)

Immigration is new Study/Action Issue: Plenary IV (6.26.10)

GA Children’s Choir sings tonight, Sunday (6.26.10)

There’s a whale in the room: Report on Friday morning's worship service (6.26.10)

Friday, June 25, 2010

Mini-assembly: Focus GA in Ariz. on justice, not business (6.25.10)

Mini-assembly offers changes to elections reform (6.25.10)

Margaret Fuller fans celebrate her bicentennial (6.25.10)

GA-goers get a little dirty for a good cause: Report on GA service project (6.25.10)

UUA's sexuality work gets mixed report: Report on presentation by the Rev. Debra Haffner (6.25.10)

CSAI runoff: National Economic Reform or Immigration: Plenary III (6.25.10)

Financial Advisor: We can afford to take on immigration: Plenary III (6.25.10)

Financial reports: Good news about Beacon, health plan, fundraising: Plenary III (6.25.10)

Votes cast for new Congregational Study/Action Issue: Plenary III (6.25.10)

The year of Twitter at General Assembly: How GA is being covered (6.25.10)

‘Creating Peace’ Statement of Conscience passes overwhelmingly: Plenary III (6.25.10)

Statement of Conscience debate: Supporting nonviolent resisters: Plenary III (6.25.10)

Amendment vote: ‘Theological principles’ it is: Plenary III (6.25.10)

Statement of Conscience debate: Theological 'principles'?: Plenary III (6.25.10)

Jane Rzepka receives Distinguished Service Award: Plenary III (6.25.10)

Delegates debate Statement of Conscience on peacemaking: Plenary III (6.25.10)

Mini-assembly proposes going to Ariz. in 2012 (6.25.10)

Attendance report: 3,835 UUs at Minneapolis General Assembly: Plenary II (6.25.10)

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Congregational presidents consider UUA changes: Workshop report (6.24.10)

Service of the Living Tradition: 'I will look and see you' (6.24.10)

Congregational banners at the 2010 General Assembly (6.24.10)

Delegates work to fine-tune peacemaking statement: Mini-assembly report (6.24.10)

Mini-assemblies scheduled for Ariz. boycott resolution, other business (6.24.10)

General Assembly welcomes two new congregations: Plenary I (6.24.10)

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

49th GA opens with pagentry, song: Plenary I (6.23.10)

Peter Morales on Minnesota Public Radio: How GA is being covered (6.23.10)

District leaders consider big changes to regional governance: District Presidents Association Meeting report (6.23.10)

Commission discusses last chance for peacemaking statement (6.23.10)

‘UU World’ welcomes comments on our GA coverage (6.23.10)

First local coverage of General Assembly (6.23.10)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

UUA board, president seek common ground on Ariz.: Board of Trustees meeting report (6.22.10)

Monday, June 21, 2010

Follow the 2010 General Assembly with 'UU World' (6.21.10)

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