Guide to UU World's 2011 General Assembly coverage

Guide to UU World's 2011 General Assembly coverage

An updated guide to our coverage of the UUA General Assembly in Charlotte.

UUA President Peter Morales spoke at the conclusion of the Opening Ceremony of the UUA's 2011 General Assembly

UUA President Peter Morales spoke at the conclusion of the Opening Ceremony of the UUA's 2011 General Assembly, which celebrated the UUA's 50th anniversary, on June 22. (Nancy Pierce)

© Nancy Pierce/UUA


Below are direct links to UU World’s reports from the 2011 General Assembly in Charlotte, N.C. We will continue to update this guide to our coverage throughout GA. Visit our General Assembly blog for the latest reports. For live video of major events, on-demand video, transcripts, and handouts from GA events, visit's General Assembly 2011 Event Coverage page.

( Follow General Assembly with 'UU World' from UU World on Vimeo.)

Reports are organized here by the date of the event, even if we published our report the next morning.

Post-GA coverage

Composting, recycling, and local food make GA greener (Donald E. Skinner, 7.18.11)

Positive reports stream in from off-site delegates (Donald E. Skinner, 7.11.11)

Resignations raise flags around planning for Justice GA (Michelle Bates Deakin, 7.11.11)

Delegates approve ethical eating and a smaller board: Business report (Michelle Bates Deakin, 7.4.11)

Final texts of approved resolutions

Final texts: 2011 Actions of Immediate Witness (Christopher L. Walton, 7.22.11)

Final text: Responsive resolution celebrating N.Y. gay marriage law (Christopher L. Walton, 6.30.11)

Final text: Resolution calling for Ariz. ‘action ministry’ for young UUs (Christopher L. Walton, 6.30.11)

Final text: Responsive resolution urging UUs to learn Spanish (Christopher L. Walton, 6.30.11)

Final text: ‘Ethical Eating’ Statement of Conscience (Christopher L. Walton, 6.30.11)

Sunday, June 26, 2011

GA Sunday: AIWs survive, off-site voting approved: Daily summary (Christopher L. Walton, 6.27.11)

Closing ceremony: Our history of justice-seeking continues (Tom Stites, 6.26.11)

Moderator's report: ‘All of us working together’ (Dan Harper, 6.26.11)

Responsive resolutions approved at GA 2011: Responsive resolutions (Donald E. Skinner, 6.26.11)

Behind the magic curtain! Meet the team behind GA video: Video report (Peter Bowden, 6.26.11)

Delegates vote to eliminate AIWs at 2012 Justice GA: Business resolution (Michelle Bates Deakin, 6.26.11)

‘Going green’ celebrated at GA: Update on 2010 business resolution (Donald E. Skinner, 6.26.11)

Final GA report shows 4,082 attending: Credentials report (Donald E. Skinner, 6.26.11)

Addictions ministry: Resources for congregations to aid recovery: Video report (Peter Bowden, 6.26.11)

Commission on Appraisal continues study of ministry and authority: Plenary report (Dan Harper, 6.26.11)

Remote voting approved by General Assembly: Business resolution (Donald E. Skinner, 6.26.11)

Growth tips from Vero Beach: Video report (Peter Bowden, 6.26.11)

Approved: Amendment to update Ministerial Fellowship Committee rules: Business resolution (Sonja L. Cohen, 6.26.11)

Approved: Amendments pertaining to RE Credentialing Committee: Business resolution (Sonja L. Cohen, 6.26.11)

Approved: References to obsolete staff groups removed: Business resolution (Sonja L. Cohen, 6.26.11)

AIW 3, calling for end to Afghan involvement, fails: Social witness resolution (Donald E. Skinner, 6.26.11)

Approved: AIW supports California supermarket workers: Social witness resolution (Michelle Bates Deakin, 6.26.11)

AIW 1, protesting ‘Muslim radicalization’ hearings, passes: Social witness resolution (Donald E. Skinner, 6.26.11)

Sunday worship: ‘We’ve found our center’ (Laura Randall, 6.26.11)

Approved: AIW opposes corporate personhood: Social witness resolution (Michelle Bates Deakin, 6.26.11)

‘Two Who Dared’: New film shares UUSC founders’ story: Video report (Peter Bowden, 6.26.11)

GA swiftly adopts Article XV amendments: Business resolution (Sonja L. Cohen, 6.26.11)

‘Virtual volunteers’: Team supports off-site delegates: Video report (Peter Bowden, 6.26.11)

Saturday, June 25, 2011

GA Saturday: Reports, amendments, and Phoenix rises: Daily summary (Michelle Bates Deakin, 6.25.11)

Scholars of color assess UU history: Workshop report (Dan Harper, 6.25.11)

Music and cultural change in UUism: Conversation with musicians (Dan Harper, 6.25.11)

Morales: Our most important product must be ‘acts of love’: President's report (Dan Harper, 6.25.11)

Assembly reduces length of Nominating Committee terms: Business resolution (Michelle Bates Deakin, 6.25.11)

Phoenix GA: ‘Awaken the moral conscience of our country’: Plenary report (Donald E. Skinner, 6.25.11)

Delegates reduce size of UUA board: Business resolution (Michelle Bates Deakin, 6.25.11)

The cultural challenges of digital media: Conversation (Dan Harper, 6.25.11)

Our awesome photographer: Team profile (Kenneth Sutton, 6.25.11)

‘You have to take some risks’ in social media: Workshop report (Laura Randall, 6.25.11)

UU-United Nations Office will rejoin UUA: Plenary report (Donald E. Skinner, 6.25.11)

Faith formation in a multicultural world: Conversation (Dan Harper, 6.25.11)

No substantial changes to AIW bylaw amendments yet: Business resolutions (Michelle Bates Deakin, 6.25.11)

Board members urge ‘yes’ votes for bylaw amendments: Plenary report (Michelle Bates Deakin, 6.25.11)

UUA Financial Advisor reports a brighter situation: Financial Advisor's report (Dan Harper, 6.25.11)

Media coverage of Charlotte General Assembly (Christopher L. Walton, 6.25.11)

Approved: Amendment affecting Ministerial Fellowship Committee: Business resolution (Sonja L. Cohen, 6.25.11)

Blogs review Thursday, Friday events at General Assembly (Christopher L. Walton, 6.25.11)

Approved: Rule update recognizing district's new name: Business resolution (Sonja L. Cohen, 6.25.11)

UUA’s financial picture improves: Plenary report (Donald E. Skinner, 6.25.11)

Delegates vote to fill 15 open positions: Election report (Sonja L. Cohen, 6.25.11)

Commission will introduce four Actions of Immediate Witness: Social witness resolutions (Christopher L. Walton, 6.24.11)

Friday, June 24, 2011

GA Friday: Ethical eating, workshops, and a rally: Daily summary (Michelle Bates Deakin, 6.24.11)

Joy abounds at revival, bridging ceremony: Worship report (Laura Randall, 6.24.11)

The continuing power of liberal theology today: Workshop report (Dan Harper, 6.24.11)

Talking about bricks and mortar: Video report (Peter Bowden, 6.24.11)

Board seeks input on 2012 Justice GA (Michelle Bates Deakin, 6.24.11)

What’s the exhibit hall like?: Video report (Peter Bowden, 6.24.11)

LGBT rights supporters rally in the rain in Charlotte: Social witness event (Michelle Bates Deakin, 6.24.11)

Workshop: Do congregations need walls? (Donald E. Skinner, 6.24.11)

Guengerich: ‘We need to have more in common’: Workshop report (Sonja L. Cohen, 6.24.11)

Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf praises America for realizing Muslim values: Video (Christopher L. Walton, 6.24.11)

GA approves ‘Ethical Eating’ Statement of Conscience: Plenary report (Donald E. Skinner, 6.24.11)

Kosho Niwano of Japan’s Rissho Kosei-kai greets GA: Plenary report (Donald E. Skinner, 6.24.11)

Workshop: ‘Difficult to be a UU and a person of color’ (Laura Randall, 6.24.11)

GA draws more than 4,000; offsite delegates cast votes: Plenary report (Donald E. Skinner, 6.24.11)

Coffee with Rev. Don: Video report (Peter Bowden, 6.24.11)

Text of amended ‘Ethical Eating’ draft Statement of Conscience (Christopher L. Walton, 6.24.11)

Thursday, June 23, 2011

GA Thursday: Mini-assemblies, workshops, honoring clergy: Daily summary (Christopher L. Walton, 6.24.11)

Business items move through mini-assembly: Mini-assembly report (Donald E. Skinner, 6.23.11)

Ministry honored, examined in Service of the Living Tradition: Worship report (Laura Randall, 6.23.11)

Why Unitarian Universalism should grow: Workshop report (Dan Harper, 6.23.11)

Tim Wise: ‘Diversity doesn’t create equity’: Workshop report (Sonja L. Cohen, 6.23.11)

‘Ethical Eating’ Statement of Conscience refined: Mini-assembly report (Donald E. Skinner, 6.23.11)

2012 ‘Justice General Assembly’ begins to take shape: Workshop report (Michelle Bates Deakin, 6.23.11)

What’s with all the ribbons?: Video report (Peter Bowden, 6.23.11)

Faith formation in a changing world: Workshop report (Dan Harper, 6.23.11)

Amendment to board restructuring bylaw passes in Mini-Assembly: Mini-assembly report (Michelle Bates Deakin, 6.23.11)

Workshop invites UUs to ask, ‘Whose are we?’: Workshop report (Laura Randall, 6.23.11)

Volunteering at General Assembly: Video report (Peter Bowden, 6.23.11)

Welcome, commenters! (Kenneth Sutton, 6.23.11)

Delegates examine proposed changes to Article XV: Mini-assembly report (Sonja L. Cohen, 6.23.11)

Young adults see next year’s GA as pivotal event: A video report (Peter Bowden, 6.23.11)

More blogs about the first day of General Assembly (Christopher L. Walton, 6.23.11)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

General Assembly opens with celebration: Opening Ceremony and Plenary I (Donald E. Skinner, 6.23.11)

Video introduction to GA: First impressions of the Convention Center (Peter Bowden, 6.23.11)

History in the banner parade: Three generations from one family carry their congregation's banner (Donald E. Skinner, 6.22.11)

Berry Street lecture focuses on clergy misconduct and its aftermath: A report from the UU Ministers Association (Laura Randall, 6.22.11)

In Charlotte, Board looks ahead to Phoenix GA (Michelle Bates Deakin, 6.22.11)

Blogs about pre-General Assembly ‘Ministry Days’ (Christopher L. Walton, 6.22.11)

Gilbert: ‘First 50 years of ministry are the hardest’: UUMA Ministry Days "25/50" worship service (Laura Randall, 6.22.11)

Slideshow of recent GAs will get you in the mood (Christopher L. Walton, 6.22.11)

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Trustees prepare to make case for smaller board (Donald E. Skinner, 6.21.11)

Monday, June 20, 2011

Anniversary events on tap for UUA General Assembly (Donald E. Skinner, 6.20.11)

Follow General Assembly with ‘UU World’ (Christopher L. Walton, 6.20.11)

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