Activist and author Deepa Iyer shares a roadmap for maintaining your own effectiveness and well-being on your social-change journey.
Deepa Iyer -
In this conversation, UUA Disability Justice Associate Rev. Amanda Schuber shares insight on progress being made, challenges that remain, and current advocacy priorities.
Jeff Milchen -
In this conversation, UUA Climate Strategist Rachel Myslivy also calls on UUs to view climate justice as an intersectional issue with "the same root causes as other systems of oppression we fight so hard against."
Maryann Batlle -
UUA President Rev. Dr. Sofía Betancourt, who is trained as an environmental ethicist, invites all Unitarian Universalists to participate in the transformative conversation this September.
Staff Writer -
The shared ministry approach has gained traction as UUs build more inclusive communities and adapt to COVID-19 changes.
Elaine McArdle -
Meadville Lombard Theological School in Chicago is set to graduate its first Spiritual Direction Formation & Certification students in May.
Staff Writer -
The collaborative project aims to foster deep, creative thinking about the future of Unitarian Universalist faith formation.
Kat McKim -
Unitarian Universalists at the 110-member congregation in Las Vegas say the change is working for them. Here’s how they did it.
Alexandra Varney McDonald -
First UU Church of Nashville took serious action to implement ‘Widening the Circle of Concern’ culture changes. Here are insights from that journey.
Andrea Dulanto -
In this Q&A, Woullard Lett, Leadership Ministry associate for the Unitarian Universalist Association, shares more about the nationwide effort to better serve lay leadership.
Staff Writer -
A quick guide to getting involved in the 2024 election and beyond.
Jeff Milchen -
Vigilance and communication are key. Try these tech tips from Unitarian Universalist Association security and IT experts.
Adria Walker