UU World Magazine
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Robert Essink, who served as his Maryland congregation’s board president, shares some insights to help first-time trustees get started.
Recent Articles (1 of 3)
A volunteer position, the moderator chairs the UUA Board of Trustees, is the presiding officer at the annual General Assembly, and works closely with the board, executive staff, and committees of the Association.
Editors’ Picks
Jami A. Yandle
Recent Articles (2 of 3)
The collaborative project aims to foster deep, creative thinking about the future of Unitarian Universalist faith formation.
Lamar Bailey’s latest artistic creation challenges UUs to reflect and search for inner peace.
In this Q&A, Rev. Michael Crumpler describes UPLIFT as 'a space for LGBTQIA+ people and allies to share stories, curate resources, and receive/provide spiritual care.'
Activist and author Deepa Iyer shares a roadmap for maintaining your own effectiveness and well-being on your social-change journey.
Featured Content (2 of 2)
Monthly visits from the Omega Dance Company have reinvigorated services and enriched congregants’ experiences.
Recent Articles (3 of 3)
UUA President Rev. Dr. Sofía Betancourt marks the start of a new congregational year in a recorded video. Access the full message.
The shared ministry approach has gained traction as UUs build more inclusive communities and adapt to COVID-19 changes.
Meadville Lombard Theological School in Chicago is set to graduate its first Spiritual Direction Formation & Certification students in May.
Vigilance and communication are key. Try these tech tips from Unitarian Universalist Association security and IT experts.
Featured Themes
Ibram X Kendi
SpiritElaine McArdle