Media roundup: North Dakota UUs support Standing Rock pipeline protests

Media roundup: North Dakota UUs support Standing Rock pipeline protests

A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.

Lauren Walleser


Members of the Bismarck-Mandan Unitarian Universalist Congregation in Bismarck, North Dakota, have made several trips to the Sacred Stone Camp and other sites near Standing Rock Sioux Reservation that are protesting the Dakota Access Pipeline. The congregation has become a collection place for donations to the camps. The efforts at the congregation have been led by Ronya Hoblit, a lay leader at the church and an Oglala Lakota, as well as the Rev. Karen Van Fossan and other church leaders. They plan to continue their support in a series of worship services with the theme “Water Is Life,” along with bringing more caravans of donations to the camps. (Bismarck Tribune - 9.23.16)

Congregation responds to banner theft with demonstration, fundraiser

After Fox Valley UU Fellowship in Appleton, Wisconsin, had its Black Lives Matter banner stolen for the fourth time, the local chapter of Standing Up for Racial Justice organized a demonstration in front of the church to raise money for the national Black Lives Matter organization. The Rev. Kathleen Rolenz said she hoped motorists would stop and have a dialogue about racial justice with demonstrators, and many local people did show their support. The congregation also plans to replace the banner for a fifth time. (Appleton Post Crescent - 9.26.16)

More coverage:

“Signs stolen, supporters stand up for racial justice” (Appleton Post Crescent - 9.29.16)

“Fundraiser planned after Black Lives Matter banner disappears again” (Fox 11 News - 9.27.16)

“Rally planned after Black Lives Matter banner stolen for 4th time” ( NBC 26- 9.29.16)

Minister speaks out about highway billboard imagery, reproductive justice

The Rev. Darcy Roake, community minister at Community Church UU of New Orleans, Louisiana, provides an analysis of the way women are portrayed—and erased—from billboard imagery along the interstate between Texas and Louisiana. She calls out these billboards, which largely advertise sex shops and pro-life causes, for their objectification of women and the negative impact they have had on reproductive justice and legislation in the surrounding states. (Huffington Post - 9.27.16)
