Blessing: In the New Year, May Unitarian Universalists Carry Each Other

Blessing: In the New Year, May Unitarian Universalists Carry Each Other

Let's forgo the pressure of resolutions and spend time in healing community instead.

Beth Monhollen
Three young people hugging. One of them is facing the camera and has their eyes closed.

Three young people embrace after a vote at the 2023 UUA General Assembly held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

© 2023 Chris Northcross/UUA


In this new year, may we leave behind the weight of unfulfilled resolutions, of unrealized dreams, and of unrealistic expectations.

May we unpack the heavy weight of stories that tell us we are unworthy and unlovable.

May we remember that we each carry inside of us a spark of the Divine.

In this new year,

May we carry kindness, gentleness and hope that hold us through even the hardest days and the most daunting risks.

May we carry the weight of memory that reminds us of who we are, and the weight of spirit that reminds us we are still becoming.

May we carry the seed of knowledge that teaches us that improvement and growth aren’t linear and individualistic but are cyclical and communal.

May we carry the wisdom to seek rest and connection, to lean into mutual care.

May we carry the certain belief that when we have patterns of thinking and behaving that harm ourselves and others, we can seek resources that will help us move towards healing.

May we carry the knowledge that happiness and success take many shapes and one of those shapes is purpose.

May we carry purpose lightly, trusting that it changes and evolves and surprises us.

May we carry curiosity, wonder, and the ability to be surprised.

This year, may we carry space for all of our flaws, all of our longings, and all of our love, remembering that the truly daring adventure of life is not to be better-better-best! but to show up wholly, authentically, lovingly as ourselves.

May we carry these prayers and carry each other into the new year.

This blessing previously appeared on WorshipWeb (
