Moment of Reflection: Prayer: Earth, You Are My Body

Moment of Reflection: Prayer: Earth, You Are My Body

Who will refuse to be silent, who will lament with me?

Sandra Fees
Illustration of the sun emerging over the curve of the earth, from space.
© Brian Stauffer/theispot


Oh, Earth,
for your lush body broken,
for your living waters sullied,
for your sheltering trees scorched, for your wild creatures pursued.

For you, in my distress,
I call out.
I long for the breath of the wind and the dance of the sea
to move what seems unmovable, to break us free from this silence that hangs in the air.

Aching for a song of repair to liberate this land,
I call out.
You, Earth, are my body. This planet, a sanctuary. This land, a garden.

In my distress,
who will listen,
who will refuse to be silent, who will lament with me?

Who will lift their voices in sacred song
and call out with me
in distress 
to heal your earthly paradise?
