Welcome to UU World's parenting blog!

Welcome to UU World's parenting blog!


Welcome to UU World‘s “UU Parenting Blog“—a first in several ways for the magazine.

From now through April, uuworld.org will be hosting a weekly conversation led by Michelle Richards about raising Unitarian Universalist children. [Update, June 2010: Due to popular demand, Michelle has agreed to continue blogging here twice a month.] Michelle, a religious educator and mother of two, is the author of a brand new book, Tending the Flame: The Art of Raising Unitarian Universalist Children, from the UUA’s Skinner House Books. Each week, she’ll initiate a conversation about some of the unique challenges and joys of raising UU children. We hope you’ll join in, and bring your friends.

Which brings us to what’s new about our parenting blog. For the first time, a UU World feature is comments-enabled. We welcome and encourage your comments on this blog. To leave a comment, you’ll need to sign in. It’s easy: You can sign in using your Facebook account, Twitter account, OpenID, or by setting up your own profile at Disqus, an easy-to-use service that allows you to link your comments on many blogs and social-networking services. (Our other blogs will allow comments soon, too.)

This blog also represents a new form of collaboration with our colleagues at Skinner House Books, the UUA imprint of outstanding books for Unitarian Universalists. I’d like to thank Michelle for agreeing to write this blog, and to Skinner House editors Mary Benard and Marshall Hawkins, Skinner House marketing coordinator Darry Madden, and design director Suzanne Morgan for their help.


—Christopher L. Walton, Editor of UU World
