Jeffrey A. Lockwood, an insect ecologist and writer, is a professor of natural sciences and humanities at the University of Wyoming. An online columnist for UU World, he is a member of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Laramie, Wyoming. He is the author of several books, including Grasshopper Dreaming, Locust, and Prairie Soul.
Learn more about Jeffrey A. Lockwood on UUA.org.
By Jeffrey A. Lockwood
On Earth Day, let me count the waysJeffrey A. Lockwood
Our love for the Earth is multifaceted and deep.
Environmental taboosJeffrey A. Lockwood
Perhaps there is a place for taboos in Unitarian Universalism.
Gnomic insights: Big thoughts in little packagesJeffrey A. Lockwood
An attempt to distill essential environmental teachings into proverbial wisdom
Hunting for answersJeffrey A. Lockwood
Cultivating human virtue, respecting the animal, defining oneself.
Why many people don’t care about climate changeJeffrey A. Lockwood
Perhaps the most important thing we can do to get people to focus on climate justice is to provide them with reliable employment,education,and health care.
Journeys and values: Why the path mattersJeffrey A. Lockwood
Unitarian Universalism’s First Source affirms for me that the core of my faith lies in the how of our religion, rather than the what.
Three Commandments: Stay, Learn, GoJeffrey A. Lockwood
A Gary Snyder poem helps me find my way in our messed-up world.
Relativism is the Trump cardJeffrey A. Lockwood
For Unitarian Universalists, being open-minded must not mean being empty-headed.
Sustainability: not so fastJeffrey A. Lockwood
Who could object to living sustainably? It depends on what we mean.
Fossil fuels and free speech: both have a priceJeffrey A. Lockwood
There is often a price to opposing a company town’s corporate master.
The power of ‘yes’Jeffrey A. Lockwood
Saying ‘no’ can be powerful; it’s saying ‘yes’ that changes the world.
What climate change says about usJeffrey A. Lockwood
Don’t worry about ‘nature.’ Worry about a species that can’t say, ‘Enough.’
Judged by our judgmentsJeffrey A. Lockwood
Even in the ‘natural’ world, some things are better than others.
Less more, pleaseJeffrey A. Lockwood
Solutions to the world’s environmental problems may not require more of us, but less.
Render unto CaesarJeffrey A. Lockwood
Students occasionally offered erroneous answers with absolute confidence, but this fellow had thrown down a gauntlet.
Adaptation and defianceJeffrey A. Lockwood
Climate change requires adaptation, but it also calls for defiance.
Good worksJeffrey A. LockwoodIf our beliefs have meaning, we must act as if our souls depend on it.
Good for nothingJeffrey A. Lockwood
In the study of grasshoppers, an entomologist discovers the value of simply being.