Nicole Sweeney Etter, a member of First Unitarian Society of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, is a freelance writer and editor.
Learn more about Nicole Sweeney Etter on UUA.org.
By Nicole Sweeney Etter
Better than Sunday schoolNicole Sweeney Etter
Forty hours of Chalice Camp is almost as much time as kids would get in a full year of Sunday school.
Engaging with youth about antiracismNicole Sweeney Etter
‘Young people are really hungry for opportunities to talk about these issues.’
Flexibility is key at Wisconsin congregationNicole Sweeney Etter
Membership at Lake Country UU Church has more than doubled since 2006.
‘She smiles when she swims’Nicole Sweeney Etter
New Jersey teen sets new world record for open-water swimming.
Selling the seeds of changeNicole Sweeney EtterA UU-founded company is on a mission to reclaim our seed heritage.
The soundtrack of childhood cancerNicole Sweeney EtterAlastair Moock's songs for his 5-year-old with leukemia now help many other families, too.
Harmony, the ‘un-church’Nicole Sweeney Etter
Innovative lay-led congregation has unusually high ratio of children to adults.
Unitarian Universalist authors capture young adult imaginationsNicole Sweeney Etter
'I'm not trying to be dark. I'm trying to tell the stories that need to be told.'
‘The only place I can really be me’Nicole Sweeney Etter
Summer camps help kids build their Unitarian Universalist identity.
Urban gardener hopes to turn foreclosures into farmsNicole Sweeney Etter
Milwaukee UU believes creating a 'harvestable city' will improve quality of life.