
  • Editorial

    Acknowledging that we have fallen short, UU World is committed to sharing in appropriate and respectful ways the inspiring and powerful stories of trans and gender nonbinary people within our faith community.

    Christopher L. Walton
  • Editorial

    Mission and covenant are an antidote to individualism. They remind us of the responsibilities that come with an affirmation of interdependence.

    Susan Frederick-Gray
  • Editorial

    The time is now for Unitarian Universalists everywhere to celebrate gender diversity, honor the spiritual gifts of trans leaders, fight for justice and liberation for trans people, and welcome people of all or no genders as full participants in spiritual community.

  • Editorial

    Listening to transgender and nonbinary people is about respect, relationship, and whether we can be a truly inclusive faith.

    Kimberly French
  • Editorial

    ‘We cannot offer the cheap grace of eventual societal perfection in times of systemic desolation,’ writes Nancy McDonald Ladd.

    Christopher L. Walton
  • Editorial

    Forty hours of Chalice Camp is almost as much time as kids would get in a full year of Sunday school.

    Nicole Sweeney Etter
  • Editorial

    If we are not acting fearlessly for human dignity, compassion, justice, and peace, then we are failing to live our mission.

    Susan Frederick-Gray
  • Editorial

    The newly reimagined Breakthrough Congregations program honors innovations that energize congregations. Nominate your congregation’s most inspiring initiative.

    Christopher L. Walton
  • Editorial

    Talking about how we hope to die can help avoid needless suffering for our loved ones as well as for ourselves.

    Kris Willcox
  • Editorial

    The president of the Unitarian Universalist Association reflects on the spiritual challenges of confronting the resurgence of American white nationalism.

    Susan Frederick-Gray
