I truly do not care if a god ever hears me when I pray, but praying together with others is among the most transformative work that I do.
Nancy McDonald Ladd -
UU News
The UUA’s WorshipWeb offers more than 1,700 resources (and counting) to help you plan and lead worship services.
Michael Hart -
A covenant group is like a gym for the soul, an oasis in the desert.
Joanna Fontaine Crawford -
A word to ponder, embody, and visualize each day of Lent.
Christopher L. Walton -
I urge you to make some space to reflect on what your spirit needs right now.
Peter Morales -
EditorialSmall group ministry creates a sacred time where the stories of our lives are heard.Thandeka
EditorialWe work more hours than medieval peasants did.William J. Doherty
An interfaith gathering at Auschwitz bears witness to human evil—and the beauty of human diversity.
Barbara Gadon