Gobble, Gobble is the story of Jenny, a young girl and backyard naturalist who follows a year in the life of a flock of wild turkeys. The colorful, sometimes whimsical illustrations and rhyming verse depict the turkeys looking for food, nesting, roosting in trees, and sliding down snow-covered hills.
The target audience—children ages 3 to 8—will also enjoy “Jenny’s Journal,” at the back of the book, which offers facts about turkeys as well as ideas for keeping a nature journal and creating collages. Downloadable activities for the book are at
Falwell, a member of the Allen Avenue Unitarian Universalist Church in Portland, Maine, has written and illustrated more than eighteen children’s books, including the award-winning Turtle Splash!
Related Resources
- Gobble, Gobble. Written and illus. by Cathryn Falwell. Dawn Publications, 2011. (
- Cathryn Falwell.Illustrator's website.