Sonja L. Cohen is deputy managing editor of UU World and a lifelong Unitarian Universalist.
Learn more about Sonja L. Cohen on UUA.org.
By Sonja L. Cohen
Youth Battle Government Inaction in New DocumentarySonja L. Cohen
The film explores the lives and legal case of a group suing the federal government over climate change.
UUA General Assembly Will Explore “Faithfully Becoming”Sonja L. Cohen
Delegates at GA 2023 will help shape the future of the faith.
‘Meet the Moment’ Virtually or In Person at General Assembly 2022Sonja L. Cohen
The annual meeting will be multiplatform and now features a business-only attendee option.
More than 4,200 UUs ‘Circle ’Round’ virtually for 2021 General AssemblyElaine McArdle, Sonja L. Cohen
UUA’s second online-only General Assembly focuses on dismantling white supremacy and systemic racism.
Media roundup: Religious responses to Election Day, and moreSonja L. Cohen, Christopher L. Walton
UUA President Susan Frederick-Gray ‘incredibly buoyed’ by turnout; in other news, organ donors celebrated in Michigan, UU banners vandalized in Florida.
Media roundup: Unitarian Universalists offer pastoral presence, resistance during contentious electionSonja L. Cohen, Christopher L. Walton
Also in the news: Louisville church provides sanctuary to protesters against police brutality; congregations in Massachusetts and Missouri will host homeless shelters all winter.
Charles Gaines, Distinguished Service award recipient: ‘Be evangelists for our faith’Sonja L. Cohen
Over fifty-seven years of ministry, the Rev. Charles Gaines has ‘modeled a Unitarian Universalism that can be.’
Aisha Hauser accepts MacLean Award for Excellence in Religious EducationSonja L. Cohen
Religious educator Aisha Hauser ‘has not just brought dignity—she has redefined dignity,’ says award presenter Jessica York.
Distinguished Service Award recipient Danielle Di Bona is ‘Unitarian Universalism’s chaplain’Sonja L. Cohen
The Rev. Danielle Assunta Di Bona receives the UUA’s highest honor for years of service and chaplain work.
Creating communitySonja L. Cohen
A congregation bonds over its multiyear collaborative quilt project.
Quincy church, presidents’ tombSonja L. Cohen
Two U.S. presidents and their wives are buried in a Unitarian Universalist church in Quincy, Massachusetts.
Connecting with the universe at UBarUSonja L. Cohen
‘It would be hard to gaze at the magnificent night sky above UBarU and not feel some form of spiritual connection to the universe.’
New WordPress theme helps congregational websites impressSonja L. Cohen
Unitarian Universalist Association introduces church website template, with sample content for local congregations to adapt.
UUs ‘restored to sanity’Sonja L. Cohen
When the Twelve Steps and Unitarian Universalism are practiced together, they can heal the broken
Seeing your sanctuary in a different lightSonja L. Cohen
Candlelight transforms a meetinghouse for Christmas Eve.
Study guide helps congregations explore 'Escalating Inequality'Sonja L. CohenCongregational Study/Action Issue chosen at 2014 General Assembly.
Wedgwood: Beyond the tableSonja L. CohenThe 'father of English potters' was also a Unitarian and an anti-slavery advocate.
I couldn't not goSonja L. Cohen
More than 1,500 Unitarian Universalists took part in the People's Climate March. I was one of them.
Sister Simone Campbell to UUs: walk towards troubleSonja L. Cohen
Military chaplain offers tools for UU ruck sackSonja L. Cohen
Frank Lloyd Wright's 'Beautiful' bookSonja L. Cohen
The famous architect designed a rare book by the Unitarian minister William Channing Gannett.
Where is your water from?Sonja L. CohenWhen you pour water into your congregation's Water Communion bowl, where will it come from?
Passed: fossil fuel divestment AIWSonja L. Cohen
3,426 people participated in Louisville GASonja L. Cohen
Delegates consider six AIW proposalsSonja L. Cohen
Delegates approve bylaw changes about electronic votingSonja L. Cohen
District board wants to delay its business resolutionSonja L. Cohen
Preliminary report shows 3,256 people registered for GASonja L. Cohen
Divestment, shareholder advocacy hot topic at GASonja L. Cohen
UUA welcomes one new congregation at 2013 GASonja L. Cohen
Vice presidents: How to take Justice GA homeSonja L. Cohen
Saunders receives President’s Volunteer Service AwardSonja L. Cohen
May Sarton, 'our poet,' at 100Sonja L. Cohen
May Sarton felt a strong affinity for Unitarians, who continue to revere her work.
A Titanic victim’s architectural legacySonja L. Cohen
Unitarian brothers Edward Austin Kent and William Winthrop Kent designed Buffalo church.
The best gift that money can't buySonja L. CohenWhat is the best non-commercial gift you’ve ever received, and why?
'UU' characters on the screenSonja L. CohenWhat character in a film or TV show best demonstrates UU values, and why?
Summer readingSonja L. CohenWhat book should Unitarian Universalists take to the beach this summer?
UU Jewish community connects at national conferenceSonja L. CohenConference is first gathering of Jewish Unitarian Universalists in 20 years.
Clarke changed congregational lifeSonja L. Cohen
James Freeman Clarke's Unitarian church was radically unlike other Unitarian churches in Boston.
Unitarian inspired popular nursery rhymeSonja L. CohenIn her childhood, Mary Elizabeth Sawyer Tyler had a little lamb.
Unitarians worked to 'save' Ute IndiansSonja L. CohenIn the 1870s, the American Unitarian Association oversaw a Ute reservation in Colorado.
UUA, UUSC leaders call for torture inquirySonja L. CohenLetter to President Obama calls for ‘accountability’ for U.S. officials who authorized torture.
Expanding a landmarkSonja L. Cohen
A green addition to Frank Lloyd Wright's landmark Unitarian church in Madison.
Open Space process informs UUA goalsSonja L. CohenGeneral Assembly experiments with new meeting process.
Board approves UUA insurance planSonja L. CohenGreen building guidelines, revised GA schedule also approved at October meeting.
Beyond the edge of the imageSonja L. CohenThomas A. Baillieul's paintings tempt viewers to tell a story.
Churches offer shelter from the stormSonja L. CohenWorking with other faith communities, Unitarian Universalist congregations are providing shelter to the homeless.
'Religion is the answer': Schulman invests in Unitarian Universalism's futureSonja L. Cohen
Retired minister's $4.5 million bequest will support scholarship, building loans, and other projects.
Window memorializes astronomer, church founderSonja L. Cohen
The Unitarian Universalist Church of Las Cruces honors a founding member’s scientific achievements.
Baskets send Bolivians to schoolSonja L. CohenAn unlikely bond between a small congregation in Washington's Puget Sound area with a group of indigenous people in Bolivia.
Stalwart LeadersSonja L. CohenUnitarian Universalist Association's 2004 Volunteer Service and Distinguished Service Awards
Dedicating their lives to childrenSonja L. CohenParents of 21 devote themselves to work worldwide.
Book to note: 'Mira and the Big Story'Sonja L. CohenA young girl learns to respect diverse traditions.
Group considers ways to make GA more inclusive, engagingSonja L. Cohen
Workshop participants discussed ways to help the UUA Board reimagine governance.
Wendy’s protesters demand justice for farmworkersSonja L. Cohen
A Columbus, Ohio, rally calls for a boycott of the fast food chain until it joins the Fair Food Program.
BLUU receives President’s Award for Volunteer ServiceSonja L. Cohen
Black Lives of Unitarian Universalism has given the faith a ‘movement moment.’
Faith floods the desertSonja L. Cohen
UUA President Susan Frederick-Gray and other clergy join No More Deaths effort, bringing 125 gallons of bottled water to desolate region near Arizona-Mexico border.
We are each other's keepersSusan Gott, Sonja L. CohenSymbols of infinity and the interconnected life force.
Planet discoverer goes to Pluto and beyondSonja L. Cohen
The ashes of Clyde Tombaugh are traveling the cosmos on NASA's New Horizons spacecraft.
Financial advisor’s report: ‘I see hope’Sonja L. Cohen
UUA Financial Advisor Larry Ladd reflects on health of the Association, joys of service.
News brief: UUA president releases statements of trans supportSonja L. Cohen
The Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray responds to reports of Trump Administration plan to narrowly define gender.
Books by UU authors, Winter 2008Jane Greer, Sonja L. CohenA selection of books written by Unitarian Universalists.
‘We must continue to choose each other’John Benford, Nancy Pierce, Sonja L. Cohen
Highlights from the UUA General Assembly in Spokane, Washington, June 19–23.
Awards for service to church and stateChristopher L. Walton, Sonja L. CohenUUA honors Debra Bowen, Mark Ritchie, Eric Isaacson, and the Rev. Alice Blair Wesley.
What’s the most meaningful rite of passage you’ve experienced?Sonja L. Cohen
UU World asked readers to tell us about the most meaningful rite of passage they had experienced.
Creating a symbol of our timesSonja L. Cohen
‘We need interreligious scholarship that is beyond coexistence and dialogue. That gets to our need for co-resistance.’
LREDA receives President’s Volunteer Service AwardSonja L. Cohen
Liberal Religious Educators Association ‘leads at the margins of our faith,’ says UUA President Susan Frederick-Gray.
Little books about big stuffSonja L. CohenA new series of children's books from the team that produced 'uu&me!' magazine.
Media roundup: Minister recounts harrowing train crashSonja L. Cohen
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Try this: Share your GA story, win free registrationSonja L. Cohen
The UUA is seeking short videos about your General Assembly experiences. One person’s entry will win free GA registration.
Covenant Task Force calls for creation of UU general conferencesSonja L. Cohen
Group proposes recurring ecclesiastical conferences, reassessment of UUA organization to move toward effective covenantal relationships.
News roundup: Congregations mark big anniversaries, and a historic pipe organ is rebornSonja L. Cohen
Anniversaries and renovation news from congregations in Racine, Wisconsin; Sacramento, California; Lyons, Ohio; and Duxbury, Massachusetts.
Session 3: UUA adopts Statement of Conscience on reproductive justiceChristopher L. Walton, Sonja L. Cohen
In Friday’s General Session, UUA commits to reproductive justice, announces collaborative fundraising campaign, hears COA report on class.
Assembly adopts economic inequality Statement of ConscienceSonja L. Cohen
'Challenging extreme inequity locally and globally is a moral imperative.'
UU Principles and Sources, now in more languagesSonja L. Cohen
The Unitarian Universalist Association’s key affirmations have been translated into Spanish, French, Farsi, and Thai.
A tree remembersSonja L. CohenA children's book tells Anne Frank's story from the perspective of the tree outside her hiding place.
Media roundup: Excitement continues over marriage rulingSonja L. Cohen
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
UU Ministers Association hosts presidential candidatesSonja L. Cohen
The candidates for Unitarian Universalist Association president answer questions from UU ministers at pre-General Assembly event.
Rutland’s cozy coffeehouseSonja L. Cohen
Dark wood and arched ceilings make for a dramatic performance space in a Vermont church.
New for UU history buffsElaine McArdle, Sonja L. Cohen
Two new books offer resources, insight for Unitarian Universalist historians.
Share what you learn about sundown townsSonja L. CohenGet ready to tell your congregation's story.
Geneva: Sitting in historySonja L. Cohen
An Illinois meetinghouse honors its past and looks to its future.
3,349 people at GA, 1,928 delegatesSonja L. Cohen
Donor gives camp an observatorySonja L. Cohen, Rachel Walden
Plus: Flooding brings fish into meeting house basement; Mt. Lebanon, Pennsylvania, church celebrates building expansion; Madison, Wisconsin, society marks fiftieth anniversary.
Artful space in SpokaneSonja L. Cohen
Many artful touches make the building and grounds of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Spokane memorable.
Student survey reveals distinctive Unitarian Universalist traitsSonja L. CohenStudy: Unitarian Universalist college students stand out for spiritual curiosity, volunteerism, social justice work, compassion, and respect for religious diversity.
Book to note: 'Linus the Vegetarian T-Rex'Sonja L. CohenA girl who love dinosaurs meets a Tyrannosaurus Rex who defies expectations.
Media roundup: UUs speak out against immigration raidsRachel Walden, Sonja L. Cohen
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
First Unitarian Congregation of Ottawa: connected to the natural worldSonja L. Cohen
Its floor-to-ceiling windows, views of the Ottawa River and hills, massive hanging lights, warm wood tones, and red upholstery inspire awe.
Historical inspirationsSonja L. CohenUU World asked: What historical Unitarian, Universalist, or UU most speaks to you, and why?
Minnesota church's expansion offers sustainable beautySonja L. CohenWhite Bear church pulpit and one wall's paneling were made from trees the church displaced.
UUA offers discount on email newsletter toolSonja L. Cohen
Unitarian Universalist congregations and affiliated organizations have a simple, affordable new option for email communications.
Death and dying curriculumSonja L. Cohen
63 UU congregations are sanctuary churchesSonja L. Cohen
Two congregations have been given new accessibility certification; two groups have become covenanting communities.
Conversations at General AssemblySonja L. Cohen
Photographs from conversations at the 2018 UUA General Assembly, plus dialogue prompts the Board of Trustees posed about essential features of Unitarian Universalism and visions for its future.
Books by UU authors, Winter 2009Sonja L. Cohen, Jane Greer, Eric FershtmanA selection of books written by Unitarian Universalists.
Book to note: 'An Introduction to the Unitarian and Universalist Traditions'Sonja L. CohenFrom Servetus to Second Life.
Crowded assembly enthusiastic about reproductive justiceSonja L. Cohen
General Assembly delegates discussed, submitted amendments to a proposed Statement of Conscience on Reproductive Justice.
Hoertdoerfer accepts MacLean Award for Excellence in Religious EducationSonja L. Cohen
‘My life’s work of forty years broke me open to the moral issues of our time.’
A year of gratitudeSonja L. Cohen
A children’s book lovingly depicts a year in the lives of modern Native Americans.
Clark Olsen receives Distinguished Service AwardSonja L. Cohen
Longtime minister and activist earns Association's highest honor.
UUA welcomes one new congregationSonja L. Cohen
Bentonville, Arkansas, fellowship officially joins the Unitarian Universalist Association of congregations.
Media roundup: Holding New Orleans suspects and victims in ‘the circle of love’Sonja L. Cohen
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Sustainable elegance in IowaSonja L. Cohen
When the Unitarian Universalist Society in Coralville, Iowa, built its new home, the congregation aimed to make it the ‘greenest church in Iowa.’
In the media: Austin church offers sanctuaryRachel Walden, Sonja L. Cohen
Highlights from other news organizations’ coverage of Unitarian Universalists and their congregations.
Du Monds win President’s Award for Volunteer ServiceSonja L. Cohen
UUA president presents volunteers Barbara and Charles Du Mond with award for years of service.
An astronomer’s big legacy in miniatureSonja L. Cohen
LEGO set features Unitarian Universalist astronomer Nancy Grace Roman.
Gratitude for beginnersSonja L. Cohen
Book to note: ‘Goodness Gracious: A Gratitude Book for Children.’
Book to note: 'Gobble, gobble'Sonja L. CohenAward-winning illustrator, a UU, depicts lives of wild turkeys.
Question for our readers: Your most meaningful rite of passage?Sonja L. Cohen
Share a story about a significant moment in your life.
Interdependent Web: How to find UUs on TumblrSonja L. Cohen
Unitarian Universalists are finding inspiration and fun on social media site Tumblr—but how do you find the UUs?
An invitation to deep conversationNancy Pierce, John Benford, Sonja L. Cohen
Photos and conversation prompts from the UUA General Assembly in Spokane, Washington, June 19–23.
Book to note: ‘A Home for Mr. Emerson’Sonja L. Cohen
Visually compelling biography for young readers provides an accessible foundation in the notable Unitarian’s words and beliefs.
Book to note: ‘The Lively Place’Sonja L. Cohen
A fascinating look at the history of Mount Auburn Cemetery.
An angel in BrooklynSonja L. Cohen
Louis C. Tiffany’s 1915 mosaic The Angel of Light watches over a Brooklyn Unitarian Universalist congregation from high on a wall in the 1844 church.
Media roundup: Fury over immigration policies spurs UUs to actionSonja L. Cohen
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Impressions of Justice General AssemblySonja L. CohenUU World readers share their impressions of this year's General Assembly in Phoenix.
Session 2: Five new congregations join UUASonja L. Cohen, Christopher L. Walton, Elaine McArdle
UUA welcomes five new congregations, hears reports from president, moderator, and Board of Trustees.
Media roundup: Interfaith group takes on anti-LGBT lawSonja L. Cohen
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Unitarian Universalists strive to go deeper at pre-GA racial justice trainingSonja L. Cohen, Kenny Wiley
‘What I observed in my group . . . is just how hungry people are for this work.’
Faces of General AssemblySonja L. Cohen
Photographs from the 2018 General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association.