An inviting new look

An inviting new look

The editor introduces a new look to UU World.

Table of Contents layout from Fall 2017 issue of UU World

Two pages from the redesigned print edition of UU World.



Since our last issue, Unitarian Universalists have elected a new president of the UUA, grieved the death of UUA Moderator Jim Key, and embraced an ambitious process of self-examination about ways UU culture reflects white supremacy culture in the United States. The General Assembly in June felt hopeful—to the suprise of many—amid so much transition and disruption.

Late last year, the UU World crew began working intently on a redesign of the magazine, which we introduced without fanfare with the Summer issue. (Too much else was going on!) The redesign does merit some celebration, however.

We hope you find this new iteration of UU World easier and more engaging to read. The type is a bit larger than before, for example, and we switched to a brand new font, Agmena Pro, which is both beautiful and a bit darker on the page, to aid legibility. The design gives us more layout flexibility, including in the placement of ads, which we hope will serve readers and advertisers better.

We kept the structure of the magazine that we introduced back in 2011—the Life, Spirit, Ideas, and News departments—but we went back to the drawing board to find more contemporary and inviting ways to present the text and images. With input from our friends at EPS Communications, senior editor Sonja L. Cohen, production specialist Sarah Hickok, managing editor Kenneth Sutton, and I mocked up pages, learned new publishing software (why not!), and started assembling the Summer issue as we were still deciding how to take advantage of the flexibility we had just given ourselves. Along the way, senior editors Elaine McArdle and Kenny Wiley took on additional reporting and editing work. In a time of transition, we gave ourselves a new challenge—and it was fun!
