Media Roundup: UU church named a UNESCO World Heritage Site

Media Roundup: UU church named a UNESCO World Heritage Site

A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources


Unity Temple in Oak Park, Illinois, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, has been designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site, along with seven other Wright buildings. (Chicago Sun-Times, 7.7.19)

Related: Frank Lloyd Wright's UU churches (UU World, May/June 2005)

Congregations step in to help their communities

The Buckman Bridge UU Church in Jacksonville, Florida, stepped in when the local library canceled a Storybook Pride Prom for LGBT teens, citing safety concerns. Grace Repass, the congregation’s past president, said, “The LGBTQIA+ youth in our community deserve to have their prom, and we wanted to support them. We see our church as a safe place for people who are figuring out who they are. . . . Our Unitarian Universalist values call us to respect the inherent worth and dignity of every person. So, it’s a matter of integrity — to act in alignment with who we say we are.” (Washington Post, 7.1.19)

Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan has announced a program that will encourage congregations to open their parking lots to homeless car campers. The Edmonds UU Congregation in Edmonds, Washington, which has had a program like this since 2015, is a model for other interested congregations. (KOMO News, 7.5.19)
