The Rev. Kimberley Debus is a community minister based in Takoma Park, Maryland, inspiring an artful and art-filled faith. She consults with congregations and religious professionals throughout the denomination. She is joyfully affiliated with the Unitarian Church of Lincoln, Nebraska, and has previously served at the Church of the Larger Fellowship as well as congregations on Long Island and Key West.
Learn more about Kimberley Debus on UUA.org.
By Kimberley Debus
Kindness over nicenessKimberley Debus
Valuing being kind and prophetic over ‘being nice’ would help Unitarian Universalists speak more powerfully to the present times.
Hearing others' stories reveals their humanityKimberley DebusWe affirm women's dignity, yet UUs still wrestle with the systemic undercurrents of misogyny.