The Rev. Dr. Marilyn Sewell is minister emerita of First Unitarian Church of Portland, Oregon, and a climate justice activist. Her latest book, Raw Faith: Following the Thread, is a memoir that describes the making of the 2010 documentary film about her, Raw Faith. She writes for Huffington Post.
Learn more about Marilyn Sewell on UUA.org.
By Marilyn Sewell
Do you have to be an activist to be a Unitarian Universalist?Takiyah Nur Amin, Robin Bartlett, Ranwa Hammamy, Paul Rasor, Marilyn Sewell, Pamela Wat
Six leaders reflect on activism and religious identity in a racially and politically charged era.
Our shadow sideMarilyn Sewell
Unitarian Universalism is a religious movement that no longer takes religion seriously.
Let's take off the hair shirtMarilyn SewellUnitarian Universalists underestimate the very real obstacles we are up against in trying to create multicultural congregations.
Repression of the sublimeMarilyn SewellYou will never realize your potential unless you are willing to recognize and use your gifts.