Marilyn Sewell

Marilyn Sewell

The Rev. Dr. Marilyn Sewell is minister emerita of First Unitarian Church of Portland, Oregon, and a climate justice activist. Her latest book, Raw Faith: Following the Thread, is a memoir that describes the making of the 2010 documentary film about her, Raw Faith. She writes for Huffington Post.

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By Marilyn Sewell

  • Do you have to be an activist to be a Unitarian Universalist?
    Takiyah Nur Amin, Robin Bartlett, Ranwa Hammamy, Paul Rasor, Marilyn Sewell, Pamela Wat

    Six leaders reflect on activism and religious identity in a racially and politically charged era.

  • Our shadow side
    Marilyn Sewell

    Unitarian Universalism is a religious movement that no longer takes religion seriously.

  • Let's take off the hair shirt
    Marilyn Sewell
    Unitarian Universalists underestimate the very real obstacles we are up against in trying to create multicultural congregations.
  • Repression of the sublime
    Marilyn Sewell
    You will never realize your potential unless you are willing to recognize and use your gifts.
  • Midlife spirituality
    Marilyn Sewell
    How middle age invites women into the life of the spirit.
