
  • Spirit

    Painting celebrates Arkansas congregation’s fiftieth anniversary with a depiction of its Unitarian Universalist values.

    Jerry Offerman
  • Spirit

    lately I find / more of myself in other poets’ poems than in a mirror

    Everett Hoagland
  • Spirit

    I am not alone, and I can choose to be kind and loving to people all around, who may be heartbroken too.

    Sean Parker Dennison
  • Spirit

    Weird stuff is gonna happen, and you might as well get used to it.

    Jane Ranney Rzepka
  • Spirit

    Divination—the art of receiving messages from the world of Spirit—is as old as any religion.

    John Beckett
  • Spirit

    A really big decision defies visualization, because the choice itself changes who I will become.

    Doug Muder
  • Spirit

    Where is your sanctuary in the midst of life’s catastrophes and chaos? How will you take the time to nurture your soul?

    Alicia R. Forde
  • Spirit

    A black UU and her mostly white church grow and change together, and challenge one another.

    Michele David
