UU News
The set of resources, known as Amplifying the Charge, supports Unitarian Universalist congregations as they prepare for the next stage of the bylaws adoption process.
QuianaDenae Perkins -
Wondering how the changes match up with core UU values? Explore Rev. Dr. Sheri Prud’homme's theological analysis before the vote at General Assembly in June.
Staff Writer -
UU News
Learn more about the effort to prepare draft changes to the UUA bylaws that—if approved at General Assembly in June—would replace Unitarian Universalism's Principles, Purposes, and Sources.
Elaine McArdle -
How one congregation is learning to live into its antiracist commitments.
Arthur Hirsch -
In the 1980s, UUs proposed and adopted transformational changes that have shaped the faith for decades. Here's how that process mirrors what UUs are experiencing now.
Elaine McArdle -
UU News
Bylaws as a whole, Article II, and governance top the list of priorities.
Elaine McArdle -
UU News
Join us in this important work to shape the future of our faith.
Article II Study Commission -
UU News
Article II Study Commission is in conversation about our values and purposes as an organization and as a faith community and will present a draft of a new statement for the 2022 General Assembly.
Staff Writer