Activist and author Deepa Iyer shares a roadmap for maintaining your own effectiveness and well-being on your social-change journey.
Deepa Iyer -
'You are a light, a lamp in the night to help people find their way, but you cannot be their way.'
Joseph M. Cherry -
Every day I wake up, and I’m more myself than ever before.
Angelle Eve Castro -
"What if I gently, gingerly accepted / that what is is not always what will be?"
Cassandra Montenegro -
How is it with your spirit today? Today, my spirit is struck by grief.
Lauren Smith -
Our Whole Lives offers new program for adults aged 50 and over.
Andrea Dulanto -
New self-assessment tool is helping UUs identify their spiritual priorities.
Elaine McArdle -
no one can rename you
Other, it can’t stick, as you offer the gift
of being and saying who you are.Theresa I. Soto -
As metaphorical scuba divers, we can control the depths to which we dive and grow more skilled through experience.
Trudi Frazel -
Allowing myself to see my injuries and pain as ‘not my fault’ is a spiritual challenge.
Meg Barnhouse -
The Church of the Larger Fellowship’s weekly talk show focuses on Black Lives Matter confrontations with police over killing of Jamar Clark.
Christopher L. Walton