Spiritual Practice

  • Ideas
    Faith is what’s left when you stop responding to radical uncertainty with panic and denial.
    Doug Muder
  • Spirit
    I worshiped the gods of comedy and tragedy long before I worshiped Jesus's God, and I have never stopped leaving gifts at the altar of Dionysus.
    Victoria Weinstein
  • Ideas
    What do Unitarian Universalists need to go deeper?
    Doug Muder
  • Editorial
    Suffering and anxiety are usually just as finite and time-limited as high passion and unalloyed joy.
    William F. Schulz
  • Spirit
    Modern and ancient New Year's celebrations from around the world.
    Patricia Montley
  • Spirit
    Praise in the midst of a broken world and a broken heart? Sing hallelujah in the darkest season of the year?
    Barbara Merritt
  • Ideas
    Belief and worship are powerful tools for organizing thought and behavior. If others get control of those tools, they can make us dance like puppets. But if we’re careful, we can learn to pull our own strings.
    Doug Muder
  • Editorial
    When a Unitarian Universalist minister moves to the island of Crete, a sense of humor builds a bridge across cultures.
    Robert Fulghum
