AIW fails: End the war in Afghanistan and Pakistan

AIW fails: End the war in Afghanistan and Pakistan


In a close vote, AIW 6, “End the U.S. War in Afghanistan and Pakistan,” fell short of the two-thirds vote needed for approval.

The sponsor of the resolution, Harvard Divinity School professor Daniel McKanan, told delegates that it was time to end the “longest running war in United states history,” which he said “has become increasingly destructive and dangerous.” Opponents of the resolution invoked the vulnerability of women and of civil society in Afghanistan, which they said would be imperiled if the U.S. pulled out prematurely. Delegate Andrew Johnson from the UU Church of Palo Alto, Calif., a former Special Operations officer and war resister, said that an immediate withdrawal of U.S. forces would “create a vacuum that will be filled with murder, rape, and pillage.”
