Fault Lines of Injustice

Fault Lines of Injustice

This special issue of UU World examines how we can create a more just, equitable, and antiracist society, reflecting fundamental values of the Unitarian Universalist faith tradition.


UU World (Spring 2021)

© Dave Murray, i2iart.com

Our country has been deeply shaken. The past year was cataclysmic as a devastating pandemic swept the globe. It touched every aspect of our lives and revealed longstanding inequities.

Lies told repeatedly about COVID-19 aided its rampant spread in the United States.After Minneapolis police killed George Floyd, Black Lives Matter protests amplified diverse voices for justice. Then fraudulent claims about the presidential election fomented an insurrection at the Capitol and undermined democracy at its root.

This special issue examines how we can create a more just, equitable, and antiracist society, reflecting fundamental values of the Unitarian Universalist faith tradition.

Our intention is to have a conversation about the fault lines of injustice in our nation—and to imagine how we can (re)build our democracy. We hope you will find inspiration in stories about how UUsand our partners showed up for justice and highlighted possibilities for change.

One stark reality is that disparities for Black and Brown people only became more acute during the pandemic. And theheartbreaking loss of life from COVID was significantly higher in communities of color.

We hope this special edition of UU World helps you grapple with these critical issues through compelling voices and fertile thought. Our lens reflects enduring UU commitments to a multicultural world, democratic principles, and to ourcommon humanity.
