Joshua Eaton is an investigative reporter based in Washington, D.C. His work has appeared in the Washington Post, Boston Globe, ProPublica, and other publications.
Learn more about Joshua Eaton on UUA.org.
By Joshua Eaton
Climate Policy Expert Nathan HultmanJoshua Eaton
Q&A with the founder and director of the Center for Global Sustainability at the University of Maryland on the biggest obstacles to fighting climate change and how to stay hopeful.
Pandemic ReckoningJoshua Eaton
Six experts in public health, racial injustice, economic inequality, extremism, and Unitarian Universalist theology talk about the deep fissures the past year has revealed—and how we can move forward.
Music programs find challenges and creativity in move to online worshipJoshua Eaton
Congregational music programs had to adjust quickly when the coronavirus pandemic forced worship services online. Now many are facing the reality that they might not meet in person again until next spring.
The rising costs of entering the ministryJoshua Eaton
New ministers enter the job market with more educational debt than ever before. Unitarian Universalist leaders are looking at ways to adapt.
Unitarian Universalism’s interfaith partnersJoshua Eaton
Building on our long history of interfaith partnerships, Unitarian Universalists forge new ties with Muslims, social justice coalitions, and ‘unchurched’ millennials.
In Orlando, Unitarian church quickly reaches outJoshua Eaton
Three miles from Pulse nightclub, UU congregation hosts grief counselors, blood drive, and gun reform groups.
UUA renews relationship with Boy Scouts of AmericaJoshua Eaton
The Unitarian Universalist Association and the Boy Scouts of America renew their relationship after a years-long split over gay scouts and God.
Andover Newton Theological School to sell campus, end residential programJoshua Eaton
Boston-area seminary, a leading training program for Unitarian Universalist clergy, hopes pared-down program and sale of campus will cut down on student debt.
Police in tumultuous Burundi are holding Unitarian ministerJoshua Eaton
International supporters raise alarm after arrest of the Rev. Fulgence Ndagijimana, who founded a Unitarian church in the east African country in 2002.
What churches learn when they proclaim Black Lives MatterJoshua Eaton
Predominately white congregations reflect on the pushback and vandalism they experience for affirming “Black Lives Matter.”
Challenging the surveillance stateJoshua Eaton
First Unitarian Church of Los Angeles is suing the National Security Agency. The church knows from experience how invasive government surveillance can be.
UU the Vote organizers lay groundwork for November and beyondJoshua Eaton
Campaign remains focused amid pivot to social- distancing tactics.
With Racist Violence on the Rise, Asian American UUs Turn to Community for SupportJoshua Eaton
Unitarian Universalists of Asian descent have found community and support online.