The Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray was the ninth president of the Unitarian Universalist Association. She was elected in June 2017 to a six-year term after serving congregations in Phoenix, Arizona; Youngstown, Ohio; and Nashville, Tennessee. She lives with her husband, the Rev. Brian Frederick-Gray, and their son.
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By Susan Frederick-Gray
Letting the Momentum Carry Us ForwardSusan Frederick-Gray
It has been my profound honor to serve as your UUA president.
Tuning Into Our BlessingsSusan Frederick-Gray
Dr. Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray, President of the Unitarian Universalist Association, shares a blessing for the holiday season in the final year of her administration.
Our Faith Demands We Protect DemocracySusan Frederick-Gray
Unitarian Universalists commit to defend voting rights as sacred.
From the UUA President: UUs Remain Committed to Reproductive JusticeSusan Frederick-Gray
Practicing Gratitude This Holiday Season: A Message from UUA President Rev. Susan Frederick-GraySusan Frederick-Gray
However you celebrate, holidays and rituals are an invitation for reflection. They remind us of our past, and they also invite us to be attentive to the present moment.
An Ingathering Greeting from UUA President Susan Frederick-GraySusan Frederick-Gray
There is great healing and sustaining power in our faith, even if the ways we gather look different than before.
UUA President’s Report, General Assembly 2021Susan Frederick-Gray
Three core priorities will continue to guide our work.
Let’s ‘UU the Vote’Susan Frederick-Gray
We are less than twelve months away from the most critical elections in our lifetimes. We must not be on the sidelines.
The Cup Is What Holds the LightSusan Frederick-Gray
It is easy to hold up a light and declare that everyone is welcome. It is harder to build a place where everyone is truly at home.
An essential spiritual and moral valueSusan Frederick-Gray
If our justice work does not emerge from the moral and spiritual value of love, in the end it will reinforce practices of domination and violence, just in new forms.
The power of weSusan Frederick-Gray
Mission and covenant are an antidote to individualism. They remind us of the responsibilities that come with an affirmation of interdependence.
Love the Hell Out of This WorldSusan Frederick-Gray
If we are not acting fearlessly for human dignity, compassion, justice, and peace, then we are failing to live our mission.
Time for cold angerSusan Frederick-Gray
An anger that burns without consuming can be the fire and the energy for action, for organizing, for creating justice.
No Time for a Casual FaithSusan Frederick-Gray
The president of the Unitarian Universalist Association reflects on the spiritual challenges of confronting the resurgence of American white nationalism.
Becoming the religious people we want to beSusan Frederick-Gray
It is important to be honest about our complicated history, not to bring shame or guilt, but to bring understanding that can inform our faith today.
The touchstone of communitySusan Frederick-Gray
It’s going to take all of us to move our world, and our faith, forward in the ways of truth, compassion, and justice.
The practice of our faithSusan Frederick-Gray
This is no time for a casual faith. And we Unitarian Universalists must remember that we are not in this alone.
Prayer is an act of preparationSusan Frederick-Gray
‘In the midst of crisis or heartbreak, a regular spiritual practice can help us find the capacity to remain present to our emotions and experiences without cutting them off or turning away.’
The Future: No Going Back to NormalSusan Frederick-Gray
Everywhere, this time of pandemic and uprisings is offering us lessons that we need to carry forward.
Communities of compassion and resistanceSusan Frederick-Gray
In the midst of critical justice work, it is essential to practice more deeply our faith.
How are you caring for your spirit?Susan Frederick-Gray
It is essential that we find ways to breathe life into that which reminds us of our power, our humanity, our compassion, and our interdependence.
Tell me about where you come fromSusan Frederick-Gray
We bring a lot to the relationships and communities we join. So, let me tell you a little about where I come from.
Our Faith Calls Us to Antiracist WorkSusan Frederick-Gray
A theology of interdependence is the true heart of our faith; our work for justice is our faithful response.
Candidate statement: Susan Frederick-GraySusan Frederick-Gray
Three things are essential: Spiritual vitality, partnership, and organizing for impact.
From the President: When the Pastoral Becomes PropheticSusan Frederick-Gray
In the midst of this global pandemic, as we hold the grief and weight of what is happening to the human community, it is clear that the pastoral is prophetic and the prophetic is pastoral.
Our Commitment to Democracy Is TheologicalSusan Frederick-Gray
From the UUA President: Unitarian Universalist values call us to audaciously imagine a world where no one is disposable and where everyone can thrive. They also call us to the struggle that brings these ideals to fruition.
May we be nourished by communitySusan Frederick-Gray
Invocation to open the 2018 General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association.
From the President: Sea Change, Not Slow ChangeSusan Frederick-Gray
There are moments when, because of the coalescing of circumstances or people, a long, slow, steady current opens into a powerful movement that creates more dramatic change quickly.
Our Fundamental InterdependenceSusan Frederick-Gray