
  • Life

    When Unitarian Universalists pass the plate on Sunday to every hand present, it’s an act of saying who we are and what we believe in.

    Liz James
  • Life

    As the U.S. government aggressively pursues undocumented immigrants, life goes on for months or even years as those in sanctuary appeal their cases.

    Arthur Hirsch
  • Life

    A documentary about LGBTQ immigrants, a documentary about progressive religion in Oklahoma, and an animated short film about refugees have Unitarian Universalist connections.

    Elaine McArdle
  • Life

    Award-winning environmental defender Alfred Brownell found renewed focus and faith in the battle to keep Liberia’s natural resources safe.

    Sherri Daye Scott
  • Life

    We do not light candles because we believe they have a supernatural power to them, but we do believe there is power in standing together in these moments.

    Liz James
  • Life

    Many artful touches make the building and grounds of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Spokane memorable.

    Sonja L. Cohen
  • Life

    A congregation fought—and won—a three-year battle to install solar panels on its historic building.

    Heather Beasley Doyle
  • Life

    Two prison chaplains who minister together in Oregon’s only women’s prison discuss the need to end the prison-industrial complex and mass incarceration.

    Elaine McArdle
