UU News
A volunteer position, the moderator chairs the UUA Board of Trustees, is the presiding officer at the annual General Assembly, and works closely with the board, executive staff, and committees of the Association.
Elaine McArdle -
UU News
Answers to some of your questions about the political engagement rules that apply to nonprofit UU congregations and groups.
Staff Writer -
UU News
Review full text of the statement, which serves as the foundation of all the work of the UUA, its member congregations, and its covenanted communities.
Staff Writer -
UU News
Learn how to join the conversation about this book, edited by Peggy Gillespie, that can be a catalyst for meaningful action and reflection.
Staff Writer -
UU News
Three Minnesota UU congregations came together to raise money, and sponsor and host three Ukrainian families that are now forging their own paths.
Jasmine Vaughn-Hall -
UU NewsLove at the Center: New UU Statement of Values Passes after Momentous General Assembly Delegate Vote
The years-long democratic process culminated with debate and the GA vote. A two-thirds majority was required for approval.
Elaine McArdle -
UU News
More than 3,400 Unitarian Universalists came together to explore the faith’s underpinnings, take consequential votes, and be in community with one another.
Elaine McArdle -
UU News
Last January, the UUA offered empty commercial space at its headquarters to the state as a free temporary overnight shelter. Roderick, Angela, and their young child are among those granted haven there.
Elaine McArdle -
UU News
BLUU Executive Director Lena K Gardner shares insight on the effort, which broke ground in May, and explains why this affordable housing approach reflects UU values.
Staff Writer -
UU News
Get familiar with the UUA General Assembly’s online convention center. (And learn how to pronounce its name.)
Staff Writer -
UU News
On May 20, the Unitarian Universalist Association’s Board of Trustees added the item to the General Assembly’s final agenda. Review it in full.
Staff Writer -
UU News
The September convocation, held in Romania, features dynamic speakers, engaging panel discussions, workshops, and more.
Renee Hills