
UUA President Susan Frederick-Gray addresses the General Assembly on June 20. (© 2019 Nancy Pierce/UUA)*
The power of we
Questions probing the heart of our faith.
by Mr. Barb Greve, Elandria Williams, Carey McDonald, Julia Landis, Cammie Horne, Sofía Betancourt, and Elias Ortega-Aponte

Theodore Parker (Public Domain)
Spiritual friendship and social justice
The Transcendentalists practiced the art of forming and maintaining spiritual friendships that transcended differences of gender, class, theology, politics, and race.
by John Buehrens
We are the ones we’re waiting for
by Kenneth Sutton in From the editor
The cup is what holds the light
by Susan Frederick-Gray in From the president
Families: What are miracles? (PDF)
Four-page insert adapted from Tapestry of Faith lifespan faith development programs.
by the UUA Faith Development Office in Families Weave a Tapestry of Faith

The Rev. Dr. Debra Haffner (© 2019 Annalee Durland-Jones)
‘You are whole and welcome here’
A Breakthrough Congregation in Virginia builds community through Pride.
by Andrea Dulanto
‘We must continue to choose each other’
Highlights from the UUA General Assembly in June.
photographs by John Benford and Nancy Pierce
Activist wins environmental award
UU Alfred Brownell works to safeguard Liberia’s resources.
by Sherri Daye Scott
Book to note: Gratitude for beginners
by Sonja L. Cohen
Spiritual Landmarks: Unitarian Universalist Church of Spokane
by Sonja L. Cohen
Welcome to UUism: What are Joys and Sorrows?
by Liz James

© 2019 John Benford/UUA
‘It is time now’
Worship highlights from the UUA General Assembly in Spokane, Washington.
photographs by John Benford and Nancy Pierce
If I didn’t tell that story, it wouldn’t get told
Journalist fights for criminal justice reform in Spokane.
by Sandra Williams
GA public witness demands, ‘No new jail’
by Elaine McArdle
General Assembly: Deep conversation
Photos and prompts.

© 1973 Diana Davies/Manuscripts and Archives Division, The New York Public Library
Q&A: Adapting ‘A Queer History’ for young readers
An edited version of this Beacon Broadside post appears in the Fall issue of UU World.
Listen to this article
by Christian Coleman, Beacon Broadside: A Project of Beacon Press
NPR confirms four men attacked Reeb in 1965
Investigative podcast revisits the murder of civil rights activist James Reeb.
by Christopher L. Walton
‘¡Puerto Rico se levanta!’
Empire has failed Puerto Rico. It’s time to demand better.
by Julio Noboa Polanco
A map to spiritual growth
New tool helps UUs identify their spiritual priorities.
by Elaine McArdle
Blog roundup: Resilient hope, not brittle optimism
Highlights from the Unitarian Universalist conversation online, April through June 2019.
by Heather Christensen
The print edition contains abridged versions of stories that may have appeared first on

© 2019 Larry Gilstad
UUs protest Homestead child detention center
Thousands of immigrant children are held at for-profit detention center in Florida.
by Elaine McArdle
Unitarian Universalists join national protests against migrant detention centers
Members and leaders join “Close the Camps” protests.
by Elaine McArdle
Rhode Island church hosts tenth annual LGBTQ prom for youth
250 teens and young adults attend tenth Born This Way Prom, sponsored by Channing Memorial Church’s Interweave group.
by Elaine McArdle
Media roundup
General Assembly attendees support activists in Spokane; book controversy; the personal costs of making history
GA affirms democracy as vital but corrupted ideal
At annual business meeting, Unitarian Universalists also celebrate completion of fundraising for Black Lives of Unitarian Universalism.
by Christopher L. Walton
GA 2019 one of the greenest
by Elaine McArdle
UUA, DRUUMM sign memorandum of understanding at GA
Five-year agreement signed at 2019 General Assembly.
The Commission on Institutional Change at General Assembly
Gift card scammers targeting congregations
In carefully targeted scams, email messages designed to look like they were sent by a minister ask members for gift cards.
by Christian Schmidt
Congregational news
Virginia congregation celebrates new name, home

The Rev. Dr. Mark Morrison-Reed (© 2019 Nancy Pierce/UUA)
Mark Morrison-Reed, CB Beal, Denise Rimes honored at GA
by Elaine McArdle
UUA names new treasurer, GA director
by Christopher L. Walton
BLUU announces panelists for theology symposium
by Elaine McArdle
Meadville names Ortega-Aponte as new president
by Christopher L. Walton
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UU World Digital
Subscribe to the digital replica edition, optimized for tablets, laptops, and desktops.
by Advanced Publishing
Audio recordings
Audio recordings of selected UU World stories.
by Don Hymel
The print edition’s Table of Contents included this photograph of President Susan Frederick-Gray, but credited it incorrectly and misstated the date it was taken. Click here to return to the corrected caption.